Growth Hacking Lessons From Busking in the Street

Imagine this. You’re in a new country, knowing only one person in a 500 miles radius. The little savings you had are quickly running out to the point you can hardly afford a bus ticket to the city center, not to mention next month’s rent, no job and you’re not sure what you’re doing tomorrow morning.

How would you rebuild your life and business to support your dreams and goals?

An inspiring story of how I found myself in a new country, busking for money on the street and how I optimised my way from the average £40 per day up to hundreds per day using growth hacking strategies. And how YOU can do the same for your business and life.

The talk will walk you through the concept of Growth Hacking along with some processes and ideas on how you can implement the same principles yourself.

The same strategies later helped me grow my WordPress business to 6 figures in revenue by the end of year 1 and to a team of 12 by year 3, as well as making history in the WordPress community by launching the first plugin by a new company to reach 6 figures in the first month.

What we cover:
• High-level goal setting
• Building your growth machine
• Productivity optimisation
• A/B testing for the win
