A massive thanks to our wonderful i360 sponsors

Huge thanks to our fabulous i360 sponsors. They’re helping make WordCamp Brighton awesome.

Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over 1 million WordPress sites worldwide. Their objective is to help customers, whether novice or pro, create a thriving online presence at an affordable price.

With a team of in-house tech experts available 24/7, Bluehost dedicates time and resources to providing the best support and services in the industry. Join millions of other site owners and see what Bluehost can do for you and your online presence.


GoDaddy’s mission is to radically shift the global economy toward small businesses by empowering people to easily start, confidently grow and successfully run their own ventures.

With more than 12 million customers worldwide and 57 million domain names under management, GoDaddy gives small business owners the tools to name their idea, build a beautiful online presence, attract customers and manage their business.


WP Engine is a leading SaaS content management platform for websites and applications built on WordPress. The company powers thousands of websites and apps built on the WordPress platform delivering a fast, reliable and secure web experience. All levels of users including bloggers, marketers, SMBs and large corporations rely on WP Engine’s managed WordPress hosting platform to keep their websites up and running. WP Engine currently powers sites and applications for more than 50,000 customers in nearly 133 different countries.

The company’s exceptional customer service team comprises rigorously-trained WordPress experts and is the fastest-growing WordPress support team in the industry. This award-winning support team specialises in quickly solving technical problems, and creating a world-class customer experience for its customers. Founded in 2010, WP Engine is headquartered in Austin, Texas and has offices in San Francisco and San Antonio, and launched the EMEA office in Tech City, London last year.


Heart Internet is one of the UK’s leading web hosting and reseller hosting companies. Focusing on web designers, developers, and technically adept business customers, they provide reliable services to over 500,000 customers.

Building upon our four tenets of speed, reliability, support, and security, they create award-winning hosting solutions, winning the PC Pro Award for Best Web Hosting in 2013, 2014, and 2015 and the ISPAs Award for Best Shared Hosting in 2015.

As long as the internet continues to evolve, so will Heart Internet, always investing in their services and platforms to ensure they meet the ever-changing needs of their customers.

We’re thrilled that all our Pavilion and i360 sponsor packages have sold out. But there are still other great sponsorship opportunities available.

WordCamp Brighton 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!