Using the WordPress API & Gatsby.js to build a JAMstack website

Using WordPress as a headless CMS is a great solution for delivering fast, scalable websites. This talk will feature a website we developed for one of our clients, a global software company selling statistical and data analytical tools and solutions for the biotechnology sector.

We will cover the benefits of taking a headless approach, where WordPress is used solely as a CMS but its theme & templating features are replaced by a separate framework, GatsbyJS which is based on React.

We will also include some of the pitfalls and challenges we overcame along the way and the benefits to our client of this approach.


  • A laptop
  • An internet connection
  • Development environment that supports Node (v6 onwards) and NPM (v3 onwards)
  • Basic development experience

Nice to have:

  • Experience with JS, React, GraphQL & Static Site Generators
  • Familiarity with Terminal/CLI

Workshop Length: 2hrs



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